Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back to sublime teachings, what's wrong?

sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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I don't want to discuss type of dance that exist in Java. There're hundreds of classical dances, both could still be seen, or that very rare we saw again. One type of dances that became my favorite was "Bedaya" dance. There are dozens of types of these dances because every Sultan to create 1 to 3 dances as a souvenir, which symbolizes the authority of his power.
I want to see the other side of the 'Bedaya' dance, which is a manifestation of a form of self-control, especially for women. 
Its was painted from a romantic poem that go with it:
Slow-motion procession amid music 'gamelan' Pangkur.
a portrait of a balance between the passions and common sense of human.
Nine dancers embody as controlling the nine passions human beings.

       Movement dancers must be in unison, there may not precede or miss. Legs may not be lifted more than the knee. Hands  may not   be lifted more than the shoulder. Little head movement as possible. Posture should be upright, and  eyes are show that shy attitude.

That pictures of the ideal javanese woman as it has taught our ancestors. An advice to keep the woman's personality and attributes of the ideal javanese woman, good manners, graceful moves, smooth behave, and behave shy and restrained.
        Unfortunately, the era of rapid change. Women who uphold the sublime teachings of the parents are very less. Making women as sex objects are increasingly becoming. Economic problems and  materialistic used as a justification. It's time we look at ourselves, may be wrong in taking attitude and behavior. It's never too late back to the sublime teachings of our ancestors.
Pictures Illustration from: &

best regards,
sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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