Sekolah Berstandar Internasional
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Ing wektu iki masyarakat Indonesia lagi nggrengseng-nggrengsenge utawa gandrung sekolah berstandar "Internasional". Kaya apa wujude sekolah berstandar Internasional iku? Miturut kabar sing dak rungu yen sekolah berstandar Intersional iku ngadopsi utawa nyonto kurikulum saka negara maju, kayata Inggris, Amerika lan liya-liyane. Upamane saka negara Inggris ngadopsi kurikulum saka Cambridge University, saka Amerika ngadopsi kurikulum Harvard University apa Princeton University.
Sekolah maju "merupakan keharusan", kudu dilakoni, kudu dileksanakake supaya pendidikan ing Indonesia ora ketinggalan karo negara liya. Nanging ngadopsi mentah-mentah kurikulum negara maju kudu ditintingi utawa dipikir-pikir dhisik. Ora mung angger nyonto kurikulum negara liya banjur sekolahe nganggo label "Internasional". Mengko kaya sawijining rumah sakit ing Jakarta, jenenge nganggo label Internasional nanging praktek sanyatane ora. Aja-aja nganggo label "Internasional" mung kanggo golek cara bisane narik murid, lan bisa narik beya gedhe.
Miturut asil survey ing Amerika taun 2003, kemampuan masyarakat Amerika mahami bacaan kaya tabel ing ingisor iki :

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Kanggo tetandhingan antarane sekolah biasa lan sekolah "Internasional" dak pethikake karangan ing ngisor iki karangan Dr Norman D. Livergood.
The Destruction of American Education The Destruction of Education
And What We Must Do About It
By Dr. Norman D. Livergood
It might seem that the word "destruction" in the title of this essay is a bit over the top. But it's the only accurate description of what's happening in America today. The demonic cabal that now controls the US systematically destroyed American education in general and is now attacking each educational discipline. We can see this in the Bush junta's denying and misrepresenting the scientific evidence for global warming ~ leading to their refusal to sign the Kyoto Accord.
Now the social sciences are being attacked. Jeb Bush, during his tenure as Governor, turned Florida into a totalitarian state, perpetrating a monstrous vote-rigging fraud in 2000 which resulted in his brother being criminally appointed President by the Supreme Court. Next, Jeb extended his dictatorship into the realm of education . Jeb and his henchmen assaulted the entire discipline of history by redefining it as the teaching of "fact," not "construction." In other words, history in Florida is now what Jeb and his cronies say it is, and any disagreement with their "facts" is not to be tolerated.
Bab ing dhuwur iku salah sawijine bukti yen pendidikan ing negara maju uga ngalami masalah sing serius. Mula becike, masayarakat Indonesia ora usah kemrungsung nganggo label "Internasional". Sekolah maju, sekolah apik , iku hukume wajib. Nanging ora usah latah nganggo label "Interansional". Ayo padha didandani kepriye apike sekolah ing Indonesia, wiwit saka guru-gurune, saranane, gedhonge, buku-bukune, perpustakaan, laboratorium, ruang olah raga (gymnasium) lan liya-liyane.
Kepriye ca komentar sampeyan , dak tunggu.
Sumber Dr Norman D. Livergood, Blog : Snippits and Snappits .
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