Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wedi Ombo Beach

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Selayang Pandang;
Lokasi pantai Wediombo berada paling timur wilayah kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Letaknya juga paling jauh dari pusat Kota Yogyakarta (sekitar 2,5 jam perjalanan). Pantai Wediombo berupa teluk yang menghadap ke barat sehingga memiliki view sunset terbaik dalam deretan pantai2 di Jogja. Ombaknya lumayan besar dan cocok untuk kegiatan surfing dengan tetap memperhitungkan tonjolan karang2 nya yang tajam. Gempuran ombak terhadap perbukitan kartz menghasilkan butiran2 pasir yang putih dan halus disepanjang pantai ini. Tonjolan batu2 karang dengan bentuknya yang unik sangat cocok untuk pijakan bagi hobiis yang suka memancing di laut. Meskipun namanya Wediombo (wedi artimya pasir dan ombo artinya luas) sebenarnya pantai ini nggak begitu luas. Namun pantai Wediombo paling sejuk dibanding kompleks pantai lain di Jogja yang cenderung panas.  Banyaknya pepohonan besar di seputar pantai membuat suasananya sangat teduh.
     Gunungkidul, the southernmost regency in Yogyakarta Province, has been known to be rich with various kinds of tourism destinations, many of them are beaches. One beach that has been open for tourists yet still natural is Wediombo. This beach is on the east end of Gunungkidul shoreline that borders with another beach in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province.

     The Javanese word ‘wedi’ means ‘sand’ and 'ombo’ means ‘broad’. So, 'wediombo’ can be loosely translated as ‘a broad field of sand’. As the name suggests, the beach has a white sand shore that is quite vast, stretching along the water.

Wediombo Beach is a part of a bay that faces westwards, allowing visitors to have a great view of sunset. It is not only the scenery, though, as you can also surf there. Unlike other beaches in the south of Java,  Wediombo has big waves that will make any surfer happy.

Aside from the white sand, there are also coral reefs in unique shapes. Those that stick out to the sea are usually used by people to fish. On both sides of the beach, there are green hills. If you love hiking, you should put Wediombo on your list.

     A limitless stretch of the blue sky is the first thing you will see when you arrive in the parking area of Wediombo Beach upon a hill. From the height, you will get a good view of the Indian Ocean.
To get to the beach, you need to walk down tens of stairs. The beach is covered with white sand that comes from the eroded karst.

     Unlike other beaches, at which you will feel so hot, Wediombo has trees that can shade you from the heat of the sun after playing around with the sand and the waves. If you like fishing, this beach is heaven. There are plenty spots where you can get various kinds of fishes from mackerel, grouper, shark, too carp in a size that can reach teens of kilograms. Fishermen usually go to the coral reefs to fish.

     Wediombo Beach borders with fishermen’s residence. The people regularly perform some traditional rituals to ask for safety and blessings from God; one of the rituals is Nglalangi Ceremony. In the ceremony, they will catch fishes using gawar (a traditional fishing tool made of wawar roots). This tradition is an interesting attraction for tourists.

Desa Jepitu, Kecamatan Girisubo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Beberapa penginapan telah banyak berdiri di sekitar pantai. Tarifnya pun sangat murah berkisar 40ribu-80ribu semalam tergantung kondisi penginapan, kelengkapan fasilitas dan view yang dimiliki masing2 penginapan. Warung makan yang menyajikan kuliner laut juga banyak kita temui. Tapi bagi Anda yang hoby camping bisa bawa tenda dan peralatan sendiri. Untuk urusan memasak tinggal beli kayu bakar yang banyak disediakan di warung2 sekitar pantai. Hidangan ikan bisa dari hasil memancing sendiri atau beli hasil tangkapan nelayan.....seru ya?!.
     Although still lacking visitors due to its remote location, Wediombo Beach has quite complete facilities. There are seafood stalls, small mosque, public convenience, and parking lot. If you want to stay overnight, you can set up a tent at the parking lot or around the local residence.

Bila bawa kendaraan sendiri ada 2 jalur alternatif:
  1. Kota Jogja--->Wonosari---> Semanu--->Jepitu-->Wediombo
  2. Kota Jogja ke selatan --->menyusuri kompleks pantai2 selatan--->Tepus--->Girisubo--->Wediombo
Gunakan GPS atau GPS di Blackberry Anda agar arah perjalanan benar. Satu hal yang harus diperhatikan, meskipun jalanan aspal sudah halus tetapi Anda harus mengemudi dengan hati-hati karena rutenya yang berkelok-kelok dengan tikungan2 yang tajam.
Retribusi masuk kawasan pantai sangat murah, masih dibawah 5rb (untuk sepeda motor) dan 10rb (untuk mobil diluar ongkos parkir.

Bila memakai kendaraan umum dari Terminal Giwangan Jogja naik bis Jogja-Wonosari (10rb/orang), sampai terminal Wonosari berganti minibus jurusan Wonosari-Jepitu (7rb/orang) dan bilang sama kernet/sopir minibus untuk diturunkan di Pertigaan Jepitu arah Wediombo. Dari Pertigaan Jepitu naik ojek ke pantai Wediombo (5rb/orang).
     The road to Wediombo Beach is accessible by both motorcycle and car, or even bus. However, you will need to be very careful because the road is windy and has many ups and downs. By a private vehicle, there are two routes you can take: (1) the south route along the shorelines through Tepus and Girisubo villages or (2) Wonosari – Semanu – Jepitu – Wediombo.
     You can also go there by public transportation. From Giwangan Bus Station, Yogyakarta, take a bus heading to Wonosari. At Wonosari Bus Station, change buses for Jepitu Village, get off at Jepitu T-intersection. The only transportation available after that is motorcycle taxi. These taxis will take you to the beach.

best regards,

Jogja Trip
Kang Java
Tri Susanti
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