Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've entered you into a bottle!!

sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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I've heard the advice of a motivator. After I tried to do the suggestion, it was potent enough for me. It's about the effort to reduce the pain to others. In this life, it is impossible to avoid the interaction with others. Sometimes there is the attitude of someone who has hurt us. Don't you let those feelings of discomfort, let alone hate someone who may inadvertently have hurt our feelings. For people who have matured his soul and has much experience of life, certainly easy to forgive (and unfortunately I have not  reached  like that yet!).

This is what I usually do:
  •  Take a seat in a quiet room (I usually do it in the bedroom).
  • Sit with your eyes closed as she relaxed and controlling the breath.
  • I strengthen my heart to actually give away all feelings of discomfort that I  feel.
  • Then I imagine the face of someone who has hurt my feelings.
  • I took a deep breath through nose while imagine someone had entered into my body.
  • Then I took a bottle, and breathes someone who hurt me into bottle then closed tightly.
  • I threw the bottle so far away. And I imagine the bottle fell into a small island in the middle of a vast Pacific ocean. The island is not on the map and can not be found by others.
  • After that, I opened my eyes slowly as she whispered; "uugh .. so relieved!".

       If i still feel a little discomfort, I will repeat it again. Usually in the form of anothers imagination. Could put it in an iron coffin and  sink to the bottom of the sea is very deep. Or put it in a balloon, then i release it and the balloon flew right out of sky. Most importantly, you should feel the balloon was flying, looks small, become smaller, and then disappeared.

       Many people go to places of entertainment in order to forget problems. It was not much help, before they totally discard the uncomfortable feeling it from within theirself.

best regards,
sepatu orthopadi sepatu untuk koreksi kaki pengkor/ bengkok pada balita kelainan kaki pada balita arrow
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